Institute for Educational Research is the first and the only independent scientific institution in Serbia that researches into the process of teaching and education. The Institute was founded in 1959, when the Executive Council of the Parliament of the National Republic of Serbia passed the Act on foundation of the Institute for Educational Research (Gazette of NR Serbia No.54/59). The Institute has the status of a scientific institution from 1961, when such an Act was passed by the Executive Council of NR Serbia.
Institute for Educational Research is a leading national scientific research institution in the field of education, contributing to the scientific development and improvement of standards and quality of education in Serbia.
As a leading research institution in the field of education, we integrate basic, applied and developmental multidisciplinary research. Our mission is to contribute to scientific, educational and social development in Serbia by:
- research excellence and innovation,
- popularization of science and raising awareness of the role of educational research in society.
Activities of the institute
Studying theoretical and methodological problems of education;
Interdisciplinary research of significant problems of educational theory and practice;
Organization of scientific meetings with the aim of providing information about research results and exchanging scientific findings with the scientific and expert public;
Publication of monographs, journals, reference books and other scientific papers from the program activity of the Institute;
Establishment of cooperation with similar scientific institutions in the country and abroad;
Realization of the program of professional improvement for employed in education.
In the first decade of the Institute work, the point was put on translation of the most important works from the field of methodology, and organization of seminars on educational statistics in the aim to qualify more efficiently the staff for research work. The Institute started working on professional publications and popularization of science. In that period was accomplished a huge undertaking - publishing of the Dictionary of Education (1967), in two volumes, with 5,500 notions, in compilation of which 185 associates participated. In addition, extensive comparative studies were carried out about school systems, textbooks and school subjects syllabuses. The Institute established Statistics Department for standardization of tests and statistical analysis of data resulting from empirical researches. Reference books for statistics of educational and psychological researches were published for the first time in Serbia. Also works from the field of development psychology were translated, thus making available the basic literature needed by scientists bound for education. Educational programs were focussed mostly on teaching issues, while the Institute’s empirically oriented researches represented the beginning of construction of empirical methodology for educational researches in Serbia.
The seventies was a milestone in the program orientation of the Institute, as empirical researches contained not only empirical data but also theoretical analyses (epistemological, philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical) of the educational and teaching processes. The papers were dominated by several varieties of cognitive accesses of phenomenological and objectivistic nature (Piaget, Cohlberg, Gagne, Bruner, Galperin, Vygotski). One very important change was widening of educational program with subjects from the field of education, in addition to researches into educational issues in teaching. Also, the researches comprised degrees of educational and teaching work, which had not been included before (pre-school and university education). From that time on, studies of theoretical or theoretical and empirical character treat almost all issues concerning essential educational topics. In the period 1975-1980 the Institute starts with engagement of experts in different fields (in addition to educators and psychologists, also linguists, sociologists, experts in natural sciences, etc. were involved) in order to elaborate completely wider subjects comprised by school programs.
In the eighties, the Institute continues with further affirmation in social and scientific field. Researching plan is enriched with fundamental and developmental educational themes, with tendency that theoretical and methodological orientation gets rid of the classic experimental mannerism, empiricism and positivism. Research work was focused on finding new ways of introducing fundamental and other research results into school practice. In this period, international collaboration was especially developed, which included the Institute into the world research information system.
From the nineties on, the research program was focused on realization of the unique and complex Project: Education, Teaching and School in Modern Society. The ultimate aim of this Project was to establish theoretical and methodological bases or principles that would enable making of schooling model that would contribute to development of the integrity of students’ personality through education and teaching as a unique process. Within the Project, the following three main subjects were investigated: social and moral education, teaching and learning, as well as the theory and methodology of teaching and education.
In the first decade of 21st century, research work of the Institute was carried out within two Projects. In the period 2001-2005 the Project Teaching and Education for Challenges of Democratic Society was completed. Subjects of researches were changes of educational system, its modernization, and coordination of our schooling system with schooling systems in developed countries. The Project on which the Institute for Educational Research was working in the period 2005-2011 is Education for Society of Knowledge.
The Institute currently realizes two projects which are funded by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (2011–2019). The names of projects are: “From Encouraging Initiative, Cooperation and Creativity in Education to New Roles and Identities in Society”, and “Improving the Quality and Accessibility of Education in Modernization Processes in Serbia”.
During its 60-year long work, Institute for Educational Research has organized over 50 international and national scientific conferences. Two cycles of scientific conferences were started under the name “Educational Research and School Practice” and „Inclusion in preschool and elementary school“, as well as a cycle of symposia under the name “Technology, Information, and Education” and so called „round tables“.
Publishing activity of the Institute is centered around three fields: edition „Research publications“, edition „Education theory and praxis“, and „Journal of the Institute for Educational Research“.
Around 220 publications have been issued in edition of the Institute for Educational Research by now, which fall in the group of scientific monographs, case studies, specialized publications concerned with questions examined on the scientific conferences, workshops and symposia.
Journal of the Institute for Educational Research is a periodical where theoretical, reviewing and original educational research papers are published. By the decision of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia the Journal is categorized as the international Journal (M24). From 1967 till today it is published 46 issues of the Journal.
Library of the Institute operates from Institute’s foundation. It was included in the Register of libraries Serbia in 1997. The library holds around 6,700 domestic and international monographs, periodicals, dictionaries and encyclopedia. It s available to the Institute associates, and all other researchers, students and teachers. Library has cooperation with National Library of Serbia, University library „Svetozar Marković“ and numerous institute and university libraries. Via the bibliographical service KOBSON, Institute associates have access to index bases and electronic issues of periodicals (35,000 different journals).
Associates from the Institute for Educational Research have long-term experience in the program realization of professional improvement for employed in education. In the last years, in more than 400 educational institutions all around Serbia, preschool teachers, teachers, professional associates and school managers had opportunity to gain and raise their knowledge and skills from various fields of educational work. All programs of professional development for employed in education have accreditation and they can be found in the Catalogue of permanent professional development of teachers, preschool teachers and professional associates.
The Institute for Educational Research has collaboration with the number of related scientific and educational institutions in the country and abroad cooperating on projects and different fields of professional activities.